Linda Köster is a psychologist for children and adolescents and a board member of the foundation. She is a behavioural therapist and accompanies parents, children as well as qualified educators in finding solutions to problems.

»What are the possible triggers behind certain behaviour on the child’s part? What are the needs behind it? It’s all about working on an individual solution for the family as a whole.«

Simone Pott is a qualified educationalist and head of the psychology/education department at Finkenau. She has been trained by Triple P as a brief counsellor and supports parents and educational professionals in dealing with challenging behaviour in children.

»My main aim is to strengthen parents in their parenting skills and to consider together how desired behaviour can be encouraged and the child’s development supported.«


Finkenau | Finke VMA Zusammensitzen am Tisch R

The foundation has been dealing intensively with the topic of “Mental Health and Child Welfare” for several years now. It offers free consultation for the facilities’ children and parents.


Possible reasons are …

  • Worries
  • Power struggles with the child
  • Stress or the feeling of not being able to take the pressure
  • Helplessness in certain situations
  • Conflicts with the (former) spouse or partner about how to raise the child
  • Your child behaves differently due to changed circumstances, e.g. after parents have separated
  • Your child:
    • voices fears
    • doesn’t sleep well
    • has frequent conflicts
    • is very restless
    • is withdrawn

We offer …

  • Relief through confidential talks
  • Clarification work
  • Support in finding solutions for family life
  • Assistance in finding specific counselling or support services
  • Observation of your child in the familiar setting of the day-care centre
  • Development of solutions with qualified educators for everyday life at the day-care centre or school

Short Triple P one-on-one counselling sessions in selected facilities with certified educational specialists on site to receive issue-specific, professional support in raising your child


Often, situations arise in which children develop difficult ways of behaviour. Developing ideas early with outside support on how to train new behaviour helps the child in these situations. Linda Köster uses approaches from behavioral therapy, play therapy and hypnotherapy for this training with the child.

Finkenau | Finke Spielzimmer L


Finkenau | Finke Herzballon R

Psychological first aid

Threatening experiences – such as accidents or the death of a relative – can lead to permanent psychological damage, both in children directly affected as well as children witnessing the process. Psychological first aid is helpful for the child to process this experience as part of his or her story. We offer short-term first aid, if your child describes nightmares, for example, or reacts in panic to certain situations to which he or she didn’t react strongly before the incident. If necessary, we can assist by initiating additional steps.

ONLINE TRAINING for custodians

The caregivers are supported in the process of reflecting on their role and acquiring parental skills that make it easier to deal with challenging behaviour, for example. Triple P Online helps custodians to prepare for the future, regardless of whether they are already experiencing difficulties or not. Answers to questions like: Is the behaviour normal for his/her age? Should my child need to know how to do this already? How do I teach it to him/her? How do we promote a positive way of interacting? How do we regain an affectionate approach towards each another? – are worked out in the training.

The 8 modules can be worked on at any time and on all Internet-enabled devices. The strategies recommended by Triple P are based on an extensive scientific review and have already helped millions of caregivers on a worldwide scale.

You’ll find out more about the online training here :

Prevention project 2020!

For custodians at the Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau, there is a contingent of free access to online training available as from January 2020. Usually this online course would cost 83 euros.

We’d like to sincerely thank the foundation Heinrich-Hartmann Stiftung at this point for its support.

Interested in having your own access? Ask the educational staff at the facility that your child goes to.


IMPORTANT: access to the online training cannot be transferred to other caregivers. Each allocated access is deducted from the contingent and is no longer available to other families. We therefore ask you to treat this offer conscientiously.


Free for parents and children at Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau:

  • Counselling for parents
  • Training for children
  • Psychological first aid


Parents can contact the counsellors directly:


Parents can get in touch with the foundation’s administration by telephone:
(+49) 40 33 46 79 0