Lernort Finkenau (Finkenau Learning Location)

becomes Lernort Finkenau (Finkenau Learning Location)

Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau took part in the federal “Lernort Praxis” programme from 2013 to 2016. It was one of the 76 participating facilities/welfare organisations from 7 federal states in Germany to do so.

The aim of the federal programme was to increase the quality of education in day-care centres. Emphasis was also laid on enhancing the cooperation with the school learning environment. For this reason, a part-time position – for a so-called conduct mentor (referred to as “Praxismentor” in German) – was financed. The mentor’s tasks included developing steps to set up a code of conduct.

Lernort Finkenau – Finkenau Learning Location

After completing the federal programme, we decided to continue to cultivate the position of conduct mentor. In 2016, Ivonne “Eve” Horneber took on the management of conduct coordination. Her task is to accompany and support our facilities as locations for qualified learning and education.

Fnkenau | Lernort Praxis | Eve Horneber

What does qualified guidance mean for us?

Fnkenau | Lernort Praxis | Praktikanten

Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau is an active location of learning. All interns are accompanied during their work placement both by the supervisors as well as our conduct mentor. In addition, all interns are able to attend various workshops on offer. Internal training to enable a qualified code of conduct is also part of our guidance concept. In future, all trainers will complete this course consisting of 7 modules.

Information and contact details

Management of conduct coordination

Ivonne »Eve« Horneber & Anja Brockmann
Wandsbeker Zollstraße 11
22041 Hamburg

Tel.: (+49) 40 / 33 46 79 922