Vertretung der Mitarbeitenden (Representation of employees)

You are part of the whole – together we make a difference.

Our team represents the interests and concerns of all employees of Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau. All inquiries are treated anonymously and confidentially. We will then support you in a solution-oriented and mediating manner.

Our topics

  • Preparation of information
  • Visits to facilities
  • Support/advice (company integration management)
  • Employee meeting
  • Health topics
  • Projects and exchange meetings

Our team


Nicole Rose

Kindergarden Frieberg

Function Employee with 30 hours in the VMA, educator in the elementary sector

Focus areas Creative, musical, organizational matters

Hans Jörg “Hajo” Lauenstein

Kindergarden Ratz und Rübe

Function Employee with 9 hours in the VMA, educator in the elementary sector

Focus Areas “MINT” (math, informatics, natural sciences and technology), education for sustainable development (ESD), environmental education