General information
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 7.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Visits by appointment, flexible supervision times upon request.
Job vacancies
We are currently not looking for reinforcement for this facility. Gerne können Sie uns aber eine Initiativ-Bewerbung zukommen lassen.
Free places
We currently still have free places at our kindergarten.
Childcare provision
Our facility consists of two kindergarten groups, in which children between ages 3 and 6 are looked after, and four early intervention places. In the area of early intervention, the children are supported and encouraged by our special needs careworker and therapists (occupational therapy, logo therapy, physiotherapy). All children who are new to the facility are helped in the process of settling in following evaluated acclimatisation models for day-care centres.
Educational offer
A child’s vitality and enjoyment of life is expressed in movement. In being physically active, a child gets to know and understand the connections between cause and effect. We offer:
- Weekly swimming, rhythmics and forest excursions
- Canoe trips on the Stadtparksee lake in the summer
- Children’s trip to the Baltic Sea once a year
- Monthly visits to the library
- Weekly visits to the Foundation’s studio
The children work on different projects, for example “the colours of fire”, they build with clay, mud, plaster and wood, or they paint. The children’s works are shown at exhibitions regularly.
In a playful environment, they learn to engage with writing culture, language, natural history, mathematics, social skills, music, arts and their environment – using all their senses. The children’s development is documented in writing and pictures. These educational and learning stories are included in the children’s own individual portfolio folders. A healthy diet is important for mind and body. The day begins with a balanced breakfast, which is prepared in the kindergarten. We receive lunch from a whole-food caterer. Fruit, raw vegetables and drinks are offered to the children throughout the day.
Cooperation with parents
- Annual parental survey
- Parents’ council
- Parents’ evenings
- Conversations at drop-off and pick-up time
- Complaint management
- Annual development meetings
- Support offered by internal advisory team
The Abraxas kindergarten was opened in 1993 as the sixth of Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau’s facilities. It is located in the Winterhude district of Jarrestadt, which was built in the mid-1920s under the supervision of Fritz Schumacher and which is characterised by its red brick buildings with many green interior courtyards where neighbours can convene. Despite its central location close to the city, this district offers children plenty of green spaces, playgrounds and the nearby Stadtpark (“city park”).
Day-care team
Qualified educators from a range of professions work at Finkenau’s facilities. Housekeeping and cleaning staff are also an integral part of the team. We are particularly committed to providing interns with qualified training.
Some teams receive additional support from volunteers or federal volunteers (“Bundesfreiwillige”).
Case discussions are held and pedagogical topics as well as conceptual and organisational matters discussed at the staff meetings that take place regularly. Our employees’ documentation and observation of the children’s development is an essential part of the work. All employees attend training courses on a regular basis.
Spatial layout
- Two group rooms
- Promotion of exercise with hammocks, wall bars, seesaws and built-in loft areas
- Space for work in small groups and for reading aloud in a relaxed atmosphere
- Doll and role play area
- Building corner
- Table for research projects
- Dining area
- Two washrooms
Appointments 2022
We always strive to keep news up-to-date, but binding statements and announcements as well as information on closing times are only available from the facility itself.