General information
Opening hours
- 7 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., Fridays until 5 p.m.
- Viewing dates are published via the homepage (approx. every six weeks)
Job vacancies
We are currently not looking for reinforcement for this facility. Gerne können Sie uns aber eine Initiativ-Bewerbung zukommen lassen.
Childcare provision
The care provision at the Alter Güterbahnhof day-care centre currently comprises three nursery and two kindergarten groups along with one Bridge Year group. We look after children from the age of 1 until they start school. We also offer places for children with early intervention needs.
All children who are new to the facility are helped in the process of settling in following evaluated acclimatisation models for day-care centres.
Educational offer
The day-care centre works according to a partially open concept, meaning there is a reference system for children and reliable group structures in place, especially at meal times and morning circle. The other activities take place cross-sectionally for all the groups. This leads to the double use and opening of the group rooms, i.e. the individual rooms are also theme-based spaces, for example, relating to nature, sensory experience or the performing arts. This grants all children the opportunity of utilising the activities.
In addition, the employees have attributed themselves to individual educational areas (body, physical activity, health, music, play, social behaviour, norms and values, communication and language, building, creative art, nature and experience of nature, ecology, science, mathematics, technology) in order to be both the contact person for colleagues and parents as well as to ensure that the respective educational areas are taken into account in day-to-day work.
In the last year before regular school enrolment, the children take part in the so-called Bridge Year. In a set group, the children have the opportunity of participating in adequate activities to explore the social environment, to research and experiment, etc. The documentation and support of the children’s development takes place using the educational and learning stories.
The children are given healthy, wholesome food as well as fresh food and drinks throughout the day. The food at the day-care centre is supplied by the “De Köök” caterer.
The Alter Güterbahnhof day-care centre was opened on 4 August 2015 as the 29th facility of the Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau. It is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in the Stadtpark district in Winterhude/Barmbek Nord on the ground floor of a multi-family building.
Day-care centre team
Qualified educators from a range of professions work at Finkenau’s facilities. Housekeeping and cleaning staff are also an integral part of the team. We are particularly committed to providing interns with qualified training.
Some teams receive additional support from volunteers or federal volunteers (“Bundesfreiwillige”).
Case discussions are held and pedagogical topics as well as conceptual and organisational matters discussed at the staff meetings that take place regularly. Our employees’ documentation and observation of the children’s development is an essential part of the work. All employees attend training courses on a regular basis.
Spatial layout
- Three nursery rooms, two of which can be used as self-contained rooms or can be connected with each other.
- Two kindergarten rooms that can be used as self-contained or open spaces
- One studio
- One large multi-purpose room
- The wide hallway is also used for romping about and playing
Cooperation with parents
- Regular parents’ evenings in the individual groups
- Securing transparency with the six-weekly letter for parents, which relates to current events at the day-care centre, as well as with individual whiteboards in front of the group rooms about the agenda for the day.
- Annual parental survey
- Parents’ council
- Parents’ evenings
- Conversations at drop-off and pick-up time
- Complaint management
- Annual development meetings
- Support offered by internal advisory team
Appointments 2022
We always strive to keep news up-to-date, but binding statements and announcements as well as information on closing times are only available from the facility itself.