GBS Loki-Schmidt-Schule

The large, green schoolgrounds of the Loki Schmidt all-day education and support of children (GBS) with a sports field and mini-forest offers a wide range of opportunities for physical activity and for experiences as a whole. With varied nature and culture, the school is like an island. The produce of fruit trees and shrubs as well as herb and vegetable gardens serve, among other things, as ingredients to be cooked or roasted by the fireplace. Inclusion is an integral part of our work. The diverse characteristics of children also widens our own interests and project ideas. Moving – building – constructing, these are the contents of our activities. Whether outside or indoors, fun, enjoyment and new experiences are everywhere.


GBS Loki-Schmidt-Schule

Othmarscher Kirchenweg 145
22763 Hamburg

Leitung: Minka Verem

Tel. (+49) 40 / 42 88 84 532

Fax. (+49) 40 / 88 12 90 16
General information News Offer Location

General information

Opening hours

During term

  • Monday – Friday
  • 7 a.m. – 8. a.m. and 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Holiday period

  • All day

Job vacancies

Gerne können Sie uns aber eine Initiativ-Bewerbung zukommen lassen.

Holiday care

Holidays at last! During the holidays we offer a colourful programme, which also includes – experiencing Hamburg! Excursions to the Elbe, into the forest, to nearby farms, museums, adventure parks and much more.

In addition, we offer different projects every day – instrument-making, fire pit, carnival, everything that rolls, circus, music, theatre, batik, screen printing, etc.

Registration procedure

By registering at the school, the children are automatically also registered with the after-school care club. An additional registration for early and late care (off-peak times) can be booked at the school office.


Daily schedule

  • 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.
    Early care if required
  • 1 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
    Lunch (1st + 2nd grade)
  • 1.30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
    Lunch (preschoolers + 2nd + 4th grade)
  • 2 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.
  • 2.45 p.m. – 4 p.m.
    Projects / Free playing time


Lunch is delivered by the company “Porschke”, which mostly supplies ecological and regional products. The choice of food in the classes is determined by the children themselves on a weekly basis.


At Loki Schmidt all-day education and support of children (GBS), we offer a mix of fixed and free project days. Fixed projects are offered from Monday to Wednesday, on Thursdays the children can spontaneously decide between the project activities and “free playing time”. Friday is a project-free day.

  • Psychomotor setup in the gym
  • Music for kids
  • Experiments with technology and Lego
  • Acrobatics
  • Felting
  • Theatre
  • Cook and planting around the fireplace
  • Woodwork
  • Chess
  • Fitness boxing
  • Crafting with natural materials

Free playing time

The playhouse with outdoor toys is available for the children to spend time in during free playing time. They are able to use wheelers, diabolos, hula hoops, etc. there. The team room is always available for crafting, reading, playing and building caves. Outside, the children are able to build and dig, play table football and be active.

Learning time

During learning time, the children work independently on the assigned tasks. Educators, interns and school support assistants help them in the process.

Cooperation // History // Spatial concept

The school has been offering all-day education and support (GBS) since August 2012; since then we have been a cooperation partner of the Loki-Schmidt all-day school in Othmarschen/Altona. However, there was already close cooperation between the school and Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau before this newly concluded cooperation agreement, as the Foundation had taken over the school’s “pedagogical lunch” in 2005 in order to expand the after-school care facilities at the school. Since the end of 2014, the Loki Schmidt all-day education and support of children (GBS) has been cooperating with the neighbouring school Elbschule Bildungszentrum Hören und Kommunikation. A close collaboration with the Altona 93 football club has been in place for a long time.

The spacious schoolyard with several climbing frames, a beach volleyball field, a basketball field, a football field and grounds with sand surface is available for everyone to use. A wood workshop and a cardboard workshop provide the opportunity to enjoy some great projects. In the school library children can make themselves comfortable and read, take time for a quiet moment, dream, listen to audio dramas. An auditorium and a gym offer the possibility of different sporting activities alongside each other. In addition, each year has a shared team room (room for after-school care club).

Appointments 2022

We always strive to keep news up-to-date, but binding statements and announcements as well as information on closing times are only available from the facility itself.
