Ratz und Rübe


Bilingual de - en

The bilingual (German-English based on immersion) kindergarten is located directly by the Alstertal in Wellingsbüttel. We look after children between the ages of 3 and 6 on two floors. Our focus lies on participation, free play as well as experiential and nature education. Everyday life is characterised by regular excursions to the nearby Alstertal, excursions in and around Hamburg and time spent in our spacious outdoor area.


Ratz und Rübe

Friedrich-Kirsten-Straße 2
22391 Hamburg

Leitung: Christine Gründahl

Tel. (+49) 40 / 33 46 79 050


General information Offer Location

General information

Opening hours

  • Monday – Thursday: 7.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
  • Friday: 7.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
  • Visits by prior arrangement via email

Job vacancies

Gerne können Sie uns aber eine Initiativ-Bewerbung zukommen lassen.



Childcare provision

Our kindergarten offers space for children from 3 to 6 years of age. We work according to an open concept based on the situation-based learning approach. All children who are new to the facility are helped in the process of settling in following evaluated acclimatisation models for day-care centres.

Educational offer

The focus of our work is on participation, free play as well as nature and experiential education. In addition, we work bilingually (German-English) in accordance with the principle of immersion. We offer extensive Bridge Year work. Every year we travel with the children and organise a sleepover. The children’s development is monitored and documented with the help of educational and learning stories. Another focus is on the musical-literary area, and topics of everyday life are also taken up (shopping, cooking and baking, social communication).

Cooperation with parents

  • Annual parental survey
  • Parents’ council
  • Parents’ evenings
  • Conversations at drop-off and pick-up time
  • Complaint management
  • Annual development meetings
  • Support offered by internal advisory team


The Ratz und Rübe kindergarten is located in a romantic, two-story urban villa along the Alster lake at the Wellingsbüttel gatehouse fields. The establishment, steeped in tradition, is the fourth of Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau’s facilities, founded in 1992.

Kindergarten team

Qualified educators from a range of professions work at Finkenau’s facilities. Housekeeping and cleaning staff are also an integral part of the team. We are particularly committed to providing interns with qualified training.

The team also receives support from volunteers.

Case discussions are held and pedagogical topics as well as conceptual and organisational matters discussed at the staff meetings that take place regularly. Our employees’ documentation and observation of the children’s development is an essential part of the work. All employees attend training courses on a regular basis.

Spatial layout

Learning rooms

  • Studio
  • Role play room
  • Restaurant (the Bridge Year also takes place here)
  • Library
  • Activity room in a separate building
  • Large building room
  • Lego room

Outdoor grounds

  • Large garden plot
  • Old trees
  • Children’s vegetable patch
  • Three swings
  • Seesaw
  • Bamboo bushes
  • Garden shed (with power supply)
  • Large sandpit with awning

Appointments 2022

We always strive to keep news up-to-date, but binding statements and announcements as well as information on closing times are only available from the facility itself.
