Zapperlott (nursery)



The Zapperlott nursery is located in the heart of the St. Pauli district. It is located in a pleasant new building with spacious rooms and a variety of built-in fitments that encourage physical activity. We routinely offer opportunities to exercise: in the courtyard of the nearby day-care centre (three minutes’ walk away), in the “rumpus room”, in the gym or during our district explorations. We spend time at different playgrounds and at the Planten un Blomen park. We are often accompanied by children from the “big” Zapperlott day-care centre. We work resource-oriented in an interdisciplinary team in response to specific situations in accordance with the open approach. Flyer


Zapperlott (nursery)

Seilerstraße 30
20359 Hamburg

Leitung: Scarlett Stolz

Tel. (+49) 40 / 33 46 79 080

General information Offer Location

General information

Opening hours

  • Monday – Friday
  • 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Visits by prior arrangement

Job vacancies

We are always looking for new talents and support for our teams. You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application.


We have vacant nursery places with immediate effect.



Childcare provision

In the Zapperlott nursery we look after children from 1 to 3 years of age.

For children with special needs, we offer early intervention support in cooperation with Haus Mignon.

Thanks to the close cooperation between the nursery and day-care centre, we regularly use the outdoor area and the large gymnasium of the large day-care centre Zapperlott. In addition, we are out and about in the district, the surrounding area on the playgrounds, in Planten un Blomen and regularly shop at the Isemarkt.

All children who are new to the facility are helped in the process of settling in following evaluated acclimatisation models for day-care centres.

Educational offer

Loving care is important to us, which we create through a trusting relationship with the children and parents.

We continuously offer the children opportunities to move, both indoors and outdoors. In addition to exploring the neighbourhood, traffic education is also one of our regular activities. These can be walks around the block, shopping trips to the surrounding supermarkets, drugstores and trips on the U3 train line. Here, the children learn how to deal with traffic. Stopping at entrances and exits, crossing streets. In the process, we let them have psychomotor experiences.

Our weekly excursions, walks and activities always take place in small groups of 4 – 8 children. The age and individual development is taken into account.

We work openly and in response to specific situations. We always keep our sights on the strengths of the respective child in the process. Our goal is to impart the experience of self-empowerment to the children right from the start. We want to enable the children to do what they can within their abilities to boldly stand up for their interests and needs.

We accompany and document the development of the children by using educational and learning stories. The tasty and wholesome food is provided by “De Köök”.

Cooperation with parents

  • Annual parental survey
  • Parents’ council
  • Parents’ evenings
  • Conversations at drop-off and pick-up time
  • Complaint management
  • Annual development meetings
  • Support offered by internal advisory team
  • Individual informational sessions
  • Opportunity to sit in on groups


The Zapperlott nursery was opened in January 1994 as the eighth facility of Stiftung Kindergärten Finkenau. It is located in the heart of the St. Pauli district.

Nursery team

Qualified educators from a range of professions work at Finkenau’s facilities. Housekeeping and cleaning staff are also an integral part of the team. We are particularly committed to providing interns with qualified training.

Some teams receive additional support from volunteers or federal volunteers (“Bundesfreiwillige”).

Case discussions are held and pedagogical topics as well as conceptual and organisational matters discussed at the staff meetings that take place regularly. Our employees’ documentation and observation of the children’s development is an essential part of the work. All employees attend training courses on a regular basis.

Spatial layout

The Zapperlott nursery has four spacious rooms as well as a long hallway that the children can push trolleys in. In the rooms, various installations are set up that invite the children to explore, crawl, creep, climb. In addition, there is a large activity room that is reached using the staircase.

We also offer various themed corners

  • Building corner
  • Reading corner
  • Costumes corner
  • Painting corner

Appointments 2022

We always strive to keep news up-to-date, but binding statements and announcements as well as information on closing times are only available from the facility itself.
